Sunday , 8 September 2024

Write a Letter to Your Aunt About How You Spend Your Holidays

In this post, we will Write a Letter to Your Aunt About How You Spend Your Holidays . It’s will take You around 15-30 minutes to fully understand and complete the Letter. So, Read the Letter carefully.

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Write a Letter to Your Aunt About How You Spend Your Holidays



Dear Aunt,

I hope this letter finds you in optimal health. I’m really looking forward to seeing you, Uncle and Bunty this summer, and thought I’d tell you that I finally learned to swim at my new school. Every summer you take me to the river, and I’m too scared to dive, so this year when the opportunity to learn to swim came, I decided to go ahead and make the most of it. I must admit that I was pretty scared at first and struggled a bit, but as the days went by it got easier, and finally I learned how to swim without the help of a floating tube. You can’t imagine the joy I felt in my heart and how much it made me happy when I first crossed the swimming pool. Now I can’t wait to go swimming in the river with Bunty.
Looking forward to your reply, please send my greetings and best wishes to everyone

Yours sincerely,

Rakib Ali.


So, we have share with you the perfect Letter to Your Aunt About How You Spend Your Holidays. I hope this Post from was helpful for You. If you have confusion sure Ask us in the comment section.

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